Sunday, November 13, 2011

Depresion: plz hel me out my depresion is getting worse and idk what to do??!!!?

I wish I knew more of what was bothering you. All I can tell you is that I am 31 years old and my mother killed herself June 26th!!! I cant even explain to you the mess she left behind and all the hurt, there hasnt been one day that has gone by where I havent just cried my heart out!!! Please, the pain is never so bad that you should do that to anyone. There are always ways to get help but you need to speak to a professional or check yourself into a hospital. You are very young and I know life is very hard but death is not the answer. I wish I could help you or talk to you...... I have been depressed before in a hole I never thought I would come out of and medication worked for me. No matter how you feel always remember that there are people who love you and want to help and most of all God loves you.

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