Sunday, November 13, 2011

Was Malcolm X the greatest American of all times?

Not the greatest, but definitely one of the top five. For me, he's like number two. I think many do not appreciate his teachings because he was very no non-sense about the changes that needed to take place in America. But, I mean, really, what sense does it make to continuously be treated less than when you work as hard as the next man? You can't piss on me and tell me it's raining. I think everybody should live by that, no matter what color or religion you are. The other thing is, what most people do not know or think about is, closer to the end of his life before he was inated, Brother Malcolm toned down his messages of "By any means necessary". As he made more trips to Africa and the Middle East, he saw how color and separation of people were social constructs that were not necessary for TRUE justice, which is what he wanted here in America.

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