Monday, November 14, 2011

Hello Men! What can I do to make sure that I completely pamper my husband after his vasectomy?

Show your husband how much you love him and appreciate what he is doing for both of you. These days the incisions (yes there are two - one on each side) are fairly small and as they are in the the pain is not as severe but it is still painful. Make sure that things are ready for him when he gets home so that he can rest and relax for a couple of days while the worst of the pain is endured. He probably will not want to wear underwear for a few days also and if it is feasible it might be good to let him know that you don't mind if he goes naked while at home until he has healed. Make sure he understands that as part of your appreciation of what he has done for both of you, you are going to take care of the household chores entirely and also will keep the children from causing him any distress. No this does mean that he will not want to see the children or have them near him and depending on their ages and this might mean that he needs to wear some clothes he would rather be going without, but let him make that decision. Then just be kind and considerate and if he wants to try making love go for it, but if he finds it is too painful, then be happy you have at least tried and wait till he has healed.

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