Monday, November 7, 2011

Advice needed to get my marriage strong again?

Hi well I'm in my mid 30s and met my wife in our late teens. I've slowed down a bit and she's really coming into her prime now. I think that's normal. However, lately I get a lot of signals from her that she finds me boring. She points out young guys, tells me how certain ones are her favorite type, and has I think stepped up in the flirting department when out with friends. I'm feeling a bit emasculated these days, kind of an early-middle aged schlub. We've talked but she seems to find the whole thing kind of funny and is surprised when I say anything. She finds me "cute" but not much more than that, for the first time in our years together. For the record, I do more than my share of romance for her including nights out and listening to her, as well as domestic work. Also, the more I try to talk with her, the more she kind of tunes me out until she eventually notices and says, "awww honey, sorry" which makes me feel smaller. I have tried offering to step up certain things in bed that women apparently like, but she just kind of laughs it off. She does like sometimes when I pretend to be a guy from one of her shows or movies. Anyway, I feel I've become the junior partner here after years of being great friends and lovers. She is very kind and loving, just sort of in a way that contrasts with what we used to have. Advice on getting us back on track? Note that I am not looking for anything crazy like a divorce which seems to pop up on here in people's answers, just advice on how to get us back in the swing of things. Thank you.

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