Friday, November 11, 2011

Can't keep ANYTHING down. second day in a row?

okay so all of yesterday i tried to eat and drink and it all came back up with in 15 minuets. no liquids stayed down nothing.. i tried everything... please don't say ginger ale.. it makes me sick.. today i got out of bed and instantly was struggling not to throw u.. i had been up for an hour (and couldn't eat anything) and threw up three times.. just bile was coming up then i would dry heave for two minuets. i have a 10 month old so its not as easy as just going to the hospital.. im going to the doctor this after noon. but what can i do till then? i mean i even tried to take my prenatal and it took that five minuets to reappear. do you think they'll send me to the hospital to get an I.V? could this seriously hurt my baby? I'm starting to feel really dizzy to.

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