Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Custody of a child reversed?

I have a friend who as a young mother made some poor choices in life. Instead of letting her children live in foster care, a family friend took in the children. She went to court and gave over her custody of the children to the family friend, it was an Article 6 Indefinite period of custodial. There was some disputes over the years and the family friend held it over the woman's head about not getting her children back. Because the family friend was more well off the woman was scared and didn't do anything about it but keep in contact with her children for the next 8 years and love them and visit them. Now the family friend is getting older and having numerous problems with the children and is considering giving the custody back to the mother. My friend wants to know if they can just go back to court and have the family friend give custody back, or if there needs to be a home study done and lawyers involved? My friend cannot afford an attorney, she just wants her children home, she's already lost 8 years of things she can never get back. Thanks.

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