Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Why are Americans in denial over the genocides they and their government are committing in the Middle East?

I would like to know why for 10 years, 3 million Muslims living in third world conditions devoid of food and water, 2 million in Iraq and 1 million in Afghanistan have been d, murdered, and tortured by American troops in their own lands for their oil, and there's much evidence on this including video footage, images, and doentation and 3 million is the official death count, why the Americans continue not only to deny this genocide but when presented with the facts, they attempt to justify genocide by playing the 9/11 card and either blindly or willingly defend the actions of their own tyrannical government, the same one that openly lied to them time and time again about this issue? Which if you still haven't figured it out, 9/11 was an inside job, but hypothetically speaking, let's say it wasn't? Even if it wasn't, America attacked Iraq and Afghanistan. 2 countries that never did anything to anybody especially not to America. Even if you were to believe the original lie about the Saudi hijackers, why are Americans murdering, raping, and torturing Iraqi and Afghani civilian women and children for their oil? Why not attack Saudi Arabia? The supposed hijackers were Saudis right? Why Iraq and Afghanistan? Could it be oil that's fueling their blood lust? Could it be that Americans are so sick minded that they don't care about the fact that they are committing genocide on third world nations for oil? Of course they love to use the argument that they are spreading "freedom" in the Middle East which is nothing but a complete lie as the evidence proves otherwise. Especially considering they installed the same dictator that they overthrew in Iraq and now use that to justify their invasion and completely disregard the fact that their government lied to them about there being weapons of m destruction. Seriously I would love to know the answers to both how these people live with themselves and why these people came to be so heartless? I've engaged in many conversations with them about this online and in person and almost always they will either deny the facts when they are presented to them or play the Sadam Hussein card or the 9/11 card or the dreaded "freedom" card, basically all they can do is move in patterns and use the same lies and tactics over and over again. Another thing that I'm absolutely fed up with, is when I go to YouTube videos, and the video is about Muslims either being d, murdered, or tortured by soldiers or the video doesn't even have to be necessarily about politics it could just be about Muslims, Islam, or the Middle East in a non-political approach, and these people leave these disgusting, monstrous, genocidal comments on any and all videos regarding us. I deal with this on a daily basis both over the internet, in real life, just turning on the televisions, we are constantly being demonized and dehumanized to the point where your average Muslim living in America is so overburdened with false guilt and self hatred for things that both, they didn't have anything to do with as individuals or our people had nothing to do with these events at all. Many Muslims and Mideasterners in America now deny their faith and racial background to avoid discrimination but also to distance themselves from this negative media portrayed image. I mean the people commenting on these videos are saying some of the most inappropriate, disgusting, hateful things and there are no Muslims going to 9/11 videos and saying anything close to what these people are saying. These people go to videos of little Muslim girls being d in Iraq by the troops and saying that "they get what they deserve because of 9/11" and "Islam is evil".I mean I read these things all the time and it's disgusting. And I'm sure after I post this question up I'm going to receive alot of heat from people who seem to think that they can justify this genocide or are so full of media inspired misplaced hatred for my people, that they are outraged when one of us even attempts to defend ourselves. As if we're supposed to accept this genocide and never call into question what they are doing or we will risk being labeled a terrorist? I'd love to know how Americans got to be so sick and soulless? Maybe because of their history, it's manipulation by their government, media, educational system? Keep in mind I'm not here to try and make any excuses or justify their behavior and belief systems, by no means every individual is responsible for their own actions and I'm not going to sit there blaming George Bush the way they (the media) want me to, when 14 year old Iraqi girls are d and tortured in front of their whole families, than all of them burned alive. These in denial of who they really are and have always been, but I want to know how did these people come to such an arrogant supremacist manner of thinking?

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