Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ectopic pregnancy or not?

I don't know why but this is really really playing on my mind because i have these really weird twinges in my stomach. It feels like a numb stabbing pain. Is it normal to be so worried ladies? I don't have a doctors appointment until im 8 weeks..

Switching laptop bodies?

I have a Toshiba laptop, and the top of the body where my palms rest are very smooth and so are all the keys on the keyboard. I dont have any other problems anywhere else except for those 2 spots, I hate how it picks up the oils on my hands, and just looks like **** and I kind of dont like how it feels. If I could I would love to have a roughed up kind of feel in those two spots, that way my prints wouldnt be every where. Is there anything I can do about it? Like maybe scuff it up with sandpaper or something to take that sheen off, or is there a way to just flat out switch the body and keyboard? Id rather not switch bodies if thats even possible, but what else can I do?

What is wrong with my car, I'm not getting any spark?

I have a 1997 Dodge Neon 4 cyl. 2.0L. I'm not getting any juice to my ignition coil so I bought a new one and we put it on and still nothig is happening.The car tries to start but wont.I went to the store yesterday and came out and it wouldn't start and before that it has been running perfectly fine for months.The timing belt,spark plugs and plug wires are all good.We checked fuses,everything is good there.What could be wrong with it?Oh and it's getting fuel.Just no spark.

Austin rivers the next iverson ?

Well I'm not saying he is I'm saying will he turn out to be like ai I've be watching Austin rivers highlights and it seems like he's a ball hog and doesn't get teammates involved , for the most part I mostly just saw him jakin up long 3's dnt get me wrong the dude can score but will he turn out to be a ball hog. Type of teammate that messed up team chemistry ? BQ- Kyrie Irving vs Austin Rivers who would win? And who would you want on your team ?

FF draft advice/strategy?

I'd start with these two great articles. It does the necessary ysis on the Top players on each side of the ball.

Which is better? Cello vs Violin?

From watching some smaller people in my music cl struggle trying to play a cello, I would recommend the violin. I have smaller friends who tried to play the cello but could not really reach and hit the right note with their fourth finger or shift on the fingerboard. With small hands, I would stick with the violin. Trust me though; playing the violin is a lot of fun.

Is this a good thesis statement?

If one were to look at the show “Criss Angel Mindfreak”, one would find that it appeals to the audience is several ways, has a unique relationship with not only the participates but also the viewers, not only has positive messages but negative ones as well, and that if one were only watched this show would expect the world to be based off of magic.

Why should I pay for NON-citizens to stay home with their 5 children on welfare while I work?

Yeah I ask myself the same thing I know for a face that people abuse of welfare and I"m not mentioning any race or ethnic group, but I know for a fact that some other groups do it more than others!!! have a good day!!

Use of Norse characters in my book, but differs from actually mythology. Plus a couple other questions.?

(yawn) Why do so many of these "writers" need help writing? I think there just "wannabe's" who have learned how to spell wierd names and are trying (in vain) to impress somebody.

Is 58 seconds a fast 400m?

My name is Devon and im in the 7th grade and I was wondering if a 58.1 second 400m is a good time, My fastest time is 57.3 but 58 is my usual, Im only 13 and I was wondering if I was getting a good start to my later career with times like this or if its a bad time for my age group

Nipple Piercing and tingles. Is that normal?

Yes it's normal. Everyone gets different sensations from their nipple rings. Some people feel nothing while others have very pleasurable feelings.

Help..Im loosing myself, my confidence and me? 10 points?

why are you still living there? save some money and travel. work overseas for a bit, no one knows you, so be your self somewhere else.

Will people who are ociated with the infamous of P&S eventually be eliminated?

Yes, no sooner did i start playing with them did i get an email from Meatball stating he was coming after me...and he did....

Can anyone help me find the lyrics to an old bagpipe tune?

As far as I can tell, and I've done probably the same amount of searching you have, the lyrics are no where printed on the web. The only thing I can suggest is to buy his CD and then listen and write down the words. Otherwise, I really don't see any options.

Muslim worshippers stone their own buses?

"Smarts' was already precluded by 'muslim' and 'worshipper' 'Stoning their own buses' was only an encore.

What is the moon made of? be specific.?

what is the moon made of. we are doing an ignment and we have to make a cereal box with a name and info on the planet . like shooting starios, comet crunch, meteor munch, ext. we have to have the nutrition facts on there but is what the thing is really made of . i am doing moon munch. just what is the moon made of?

Sell house in Upstate NU & Buy house in Pa?

I have my home in Upstate NY on the market, and I'm looking in the Northampton, Bath, Riegelsville, Pa. area for a home to buy, so that I can be closer to my son who is going threw a divorce, and my 2 young grandchildren. I tried the realty websites, but it takes forever to find something there. We are looking for a one level home, semi-private, or with a small piece of acreage. We need a finished basement or additional living quarters, as our son and grandchildren will be staying with us til he can get back on his feet, as the "B*#%*" maxed out all his credit cards and left all bills for the past three months unpaid. The credit cards are in his name, but since he gave her permission to use them, his lawyer says he's responsible for the bills. Anyway, if anyone knows how we can make our move, your suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Oh yes, we are looking to spend around $225,000 for a home.

Who is the worst rapper: shaq o'neal, kobe bryant, or allen iverson?

as ball players i respect them but if have u ever listen to them rap........ brutal. shaq is mostly funny(kobe tell me how my *** taste!) , kobe might be the best player today but not gutta enough to rap, and ai....... great hooper but not a rapper(jewelz). so the topic is up 4 debate: which of these three make soulja boy look like a genius behind the mic?

Fake Injuries claim by other party after car accident.. HELP!?

A very similar thing happened to my wife, we were sued by the two people in the other car. We were represented by our insurance company's attorney and the case actually went to trial. If the insurance company, after all of their investigating, and there will be a lot of investigating, as they don't want to part with any more money than they have to, will determine if they will want to settle with them. If your case goes to trial, the insurance company has determined that the injuries are somewhat bogus. We were being sued for 75 grand and the common sense jury saw through the bogus claim and awarded only medical bills which were only around 8 grand, tab picked up by insurance company. I wouldn't worry yourself too much at this point. I hope this helps.

Is it weird that I don't ever want to get married?

You sound like a strong young lady. Maybe you will be a traveling hair and make up artist to the stars or something like that. I was never one into marriage and kids too when I was younger although I did and have no regrets either. I did have only one son though and stopped at that. You may or may not change your mind, that is the beauty of freedom is as long as you are happy that is all that matters. Too many people marry and have kids for the wrong reasons and it takes a mature and brave person to stand up for what they want. I would say at your age it is normal to start having an idea of how you will spend your adult years. My cousin was just like you, never dreamed of the white picket life and became a doctor because it was her pion. She did have a child as a single mother at age 40 because she wanted a child before her biological alarm started ringing but still didn't want a husband. She is a successful doctor and a great mom. Just follow your heart and don't let anyone pressure you.

What are some New Orleans styles of music?

There is a certain New Orleans sound that I just can't come up with a name for. It's like a mix between Dixie and blues and Mardi Gras and creole. An example would be the second song on Norah Jones' newest CD. Any ideas of what I may be thinking?

Has Vh1,MTV (etc.) ever really offended you....?

VH1 one of the only video channels i can stand called Faith No More a one-hit wonder (WTF!?) so i was severly pissed and ashamed that VH1 could do such a thing.And after all the times I watched there shows.....I feel so used. (lol)

How can i win a fight?

these neighborhood punks are really pissing me off throwin **** at me when i walk by thinking there tought ****.i really have no experience...im average height about 6' and weigh about 150...any tips

Does anyone know if there is a freecycle group in Minneapolis Minnesota?

Check the businesses on the West Bank near the U they have a local cycle shop. The folks there will be of istance. Happy cycling.

Is there a web site to buy xanax online without a prescription, but with a Dr. consultation. Web site work???

=as far as I know controlled substances are against the law to be prescribe this way without a prescription although general medications can be ordered this way. Go and see a doctor and get a prescription so that they can monitor you please.

Monday, November 14, 2011

HOW:::Worsening global economic meltdown and rising unemployment could lead to a social crisis: World Bank?

With rising employment, those causes of the global economic recession will come back to haunt and cause social crisis once again.Like a vicious cycle.


I don't know was wrong with me I've been on antibiotics for five days and my throat hasn't gotten any better I spit constantly I can't swallow or drink anything I phlegm out blood with thick clear and yellow phlegm and I've been feeling nauseous and vomiting accrues headaches fevers and heartburn what do I have IDk I'm going crazy I even went to the emergency room and they gave me steroids day felt ok but know is gone and da pain is back full throttle

Vodka, Scotch, Cigars?

Vodka is Grey Goose not sure about scotch and cigars, makers mark makes a cigar that is soooooo good. Its around 20 bucks for one but it is very well worth it.

I'd like to send a newsletter to friends without bunching their addresses on the address bar.How do I automate

I'd like each recipient to be addressed individually. I've received newsletter addressed particularly to me but know all along that it has been sent to numerous other individuals.

Find the surface area and volume of a right prism with the given base shape, base dimensions, and prism height?

a href="http://staff.argyll.epsb.ca/jreed/math9/strand3/3107.htm" rel="nofollow"http://staff.argyll.epsb.ca/jreed/math9/…/a

Agree or Disagree?????

Okay Im tired of people making big deals out how A.L Starters are doing good when traded to the N.L I mean most of the A.L starters are really.. Good when traded and Then N.L of course there going to be way better. Yes i know N.L haves some power but for the last few years A.L is just more powerful than N.L batters I mean when C.C went to Brew-Crew last year He was like Perfect. Now Lee went to the Phillies. I just wish they would cut it out like it seems they never done this before. Eh sorry if this makes no scene

This is about Virtual Villagers: The lost Children?

How do i get food? i don't know how. i just know how to reseach and build and the basics. Can someone please tell me?

What job can i do??????????

for my GCSE options i picked buisness studies BTEC ICT and DT Textiles. is there a job that involes having my own buisness designing fashion using computers? x

How might the system of checks and balances address the fears expressed in the quote by James Madison?

“the aculation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether one, a few, or many... May justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny[ cruel or unjust use of power]."

What race of people established the present day Kiev, Ukraine as a trading settlement?

It would be the Rus, my dear. A batch of Scandinavians (Vikings) who explored and esentially conquered the "Russian" area...hence the name Russian from Rus...You better do your homework though Dearheart.

How much to wire to code a 78'X87' warehouse in Northern Va.?

There is no way anybody could tell you how much on here without looking at the place. There is so many variables that effect everything, plus there is always something that comes up mid way, that might have not be for seen, that would require a change order and more money. Don't let anybody tell you other wise. Everything depends on your needs as to whats installed. Plus you want to plan for future growth and not limit yourself for the future.

I do a home english grammar course but can't complete the sentence. Please help. I have to folow the example.

unless emp improve their pro.raye the finance comm will not s tand their demand for a pay rise2}without sufficent changes in the Presidents agri.billthe congress wii not stand or approve of it 3}the ammb wii not stand for or consider the proposal----------.4}the contractors will not stand for to accept our prices unless we reduce our terms

Girls would you like this necklace for a xmas present?

It is very unique from other neklaces. I definitely love the heart shape. Cute. Great taste! good luck and for sure she'll love it!

Did the hamburger helper hand give them the the finger?

That's an interesting question. It reminds me of when I was a kid. This family opened a jar of dill pickles and found a whole pickled finger inside. They wrote the pickle company and ask about it. When they received the reply, the company was very apologetic and said there had been an accident in one of their plants but they thought they had found all the pieces. A good question someone might ask in here is about all the different things people have found in their commercial food over the years.

Can you get in trouble for lying about previous medical history to receive narcotics?

I recently caught my cousin with a large amount of xanax and vicodin and asked where he got it from. We've been close for years and he knows anything he tells me is in confidence and it's totally between him and I. I asked him how he got all of it because I know he's never been prescribed any of these drugs before. He said he went to a doctor and claimed he was just put back on his parents insurance and that he had previously been prescribed 2mg xanax 4 times daily as well as 500mg vicodin 4 times daily and needed to get back on those meds now that he had insurance again. I'm amazed that the doctor went along with it and wrote him those prescriptions even though the doctor even said he couldn't find any medical history about that for my cousin. Here's my question: Will the doctor dig deeper to find out more information about his previous medical history, and if so, can my cousin get into any legal trouble for lying and receiving these narcotics? Or will the doctor just stop giving him the prescriptions? I just want to know so that if there are any legal ramifications I can intervene as soon as possible and hopefully get my cousin to fess up before it's too late for him. Thank you all for any help you can give

Wooden hutch antique? Any idea?

I have a large wooden china hutch and i'm trying to find information on it so I can price it to sell. On the inside of the drawers on the bottom there are images of the declaration of independence. I'm not sure if it is antique or anything special, i just done want to over or under price. Is anyone familiar with this and know what it might be worth? Here's an image: a href="http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh214/CHoward88/12355004.jpg" rel="nofollow"http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh214…/a

What's happening on Wrestlemania 27?!?!?

Just for these matches: snooki,john morrison,and trish stratus vs. laylcool and john morrison and undertaker vs. triple h who won!??!? lol I'm panicing,I would order it but I can't find the channel

Is there such a thing like a perfect game in the NFL?

i mean like pitchers in the mlb when they have a no hitter or a perfect game. is a dum question but im curios.

I need a bit more help on my paper on the topic of Global Warming?

a href="http://global-warming.accuweather.com/" rel="nofollow"http://global-warming.accuweather.com//a

Hello Men! What can I do to make sure that I completely pamper my husband after his vasectomy?

Show your husband how much you love him and appreciate what he is doing for both of you. These days the incisions (yes there are two - one on each side) are fairly small and as they are in the the pain is not as severe but it is still painful. Make sure that things are ready for him when he gets home so that he can rest and relax for a couple of days while the worst of the pain is endured. He probably will not want to wear underwear for a few days also and if it is feasible it might be good to let him know that you don't mind if he goes naked while at home until he has healed. Make sure he understands that as part of your appreciation of what he has done for both of you, you are going to take care of the household chores entirely and also will keep the children from causing him any distress. No this does mean that he will not want to see the children or have them near him and depending on their ages and this might mean that he needs to wear some clothes he would rather be going without, but let him make that decision. Then just be kind and considerate and if he wants to try making love go for it, but if he finds it is too painful, then be happy you have at least tried and wait till he has healed.

What is this big lump on my ?!?

3 days ago I noticed I had a pea sized red bump on the om of my left cheek. It hurt when I sat down, when I got up from sitting, or touched it and put pressure. I didn't pay much attention to it because it looked just like a big pimple or mosquito bite. It was also hard. But, after 3 days I noticed it's different now. It's more a lump than a bump now and it's about the size of a dime. It's also very squishy and it doesn't hurt when I touch it anymore. Only when I sit down or stand up. I'm starting to worry now because it's gotten much bigger. Does anyone know what this is??! I'm going to be going to the doctor soon to check. I'm 15 years old. Answers please !!


Dear Answers Community R&S Section: In the beginning of the Xian Church, it's leaders had to motivate people to think and believe what they wanted them to somehow. Being the kind, nice and sensitive people they were, they chose fear and guilt. Then, we had the Crusades, Burning Times, the Spanish Inquisition, etc. in which case anyone who didn't agree with the Church was literally killed. Now, we have the Pope's newly declared Holy War on the Occult Spiritualities, in which I'm hearing more reports all the time of killings being made of anyone practicing what the Xian Church deems to be "Heresy", by Self-Proclaimed Witch Hunters. My question to all of you is, how is this justified?

Weird dream what does this mean?

well idk how old you are but either case it just means your horny. best way to get over it is go to your room and do a lil fingerin plus i find it really hot that chicks have those kinda dreams and 2. but yeah masterbatin will help u get it out of your system?

Which starting 5 would you rather have?

For one year i would take the second team because they are kinda old except Williams while i would rather have the first team for the long run because Paul, Beasley and Howard have plenty of years ahead of them and Paul and Howard are the best in their positions.

I contemplated suicide over a girl... things are so bad?

the pain will not stop. its negaitve for me to say that but im trying to be honest. the pain will, however, fade. it will never be completely gone but time will help. your ex is obviously not worth the worry. forget her, but remember that karma is a *****. what goes around, comes around. be strong xoxo

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Is our son Luke straight?

Ugh! That is proof that he can't help it! He's only 11 and you have never even exposed him to what gay is. I really hope that you aren't serious about this. You need to love and support your son for who he is, I don't care how "devout" you are.

What movie am I looking for?

There is an old baseball movie that I saw when I was a kid but I can't remember the name of it. It was about a young kid who really liked this baseball player, he play for the tiger's. The only two things I remember is the kid's dad teaching him how to twirl spaghetti and the Tiger Player hitting an in the park homerun at the end of the movie. Anybody know what movie I am talking about?

How can I stop being so nervous?

Think I know I can, I know I can....play for someone you know to make them proud. or someone who which they could play and can't .

Tips for improving my four-part dictation skills?

I've had some trouble doing 4-part harmonic dictations because it's very hard for me to hear the b line and the lower middle voices. Help?

Just started the pill, need help!!!!!!!?

I started taking tri-sprintec 28 day regimen birth control exactly two weeks ago. On the directions, it says to use a backup method of birth control for the first 7 days of use. On about the 13th day of use (I have not missed any pills) I had , no condom, and he came inside of me. Could I be pregnant? Should I worry? I will use a condom next time. I jsut need honest opinions here. Should I worry?

How do I create a home wireless network to share my secure wifi internet connection?

My PC is connected to a secure wifi network (for which I pay monthly rental) that identifies IP addresses via a USB wireless adapter. I want to create a home wireless network so that I can share this Internet on My handheld device and laptop.

Matt Cell in a Jets uniform next year?

I think they will pick up Cel for sure and it would make for great controversy and games vs. New England for a while.

Does these mean that he may be interested?

it sounds like he does like you, otherwise he wouldn't say hi all the time and stuff. he's probably just too intimidated to come up and talk to you when you're with your friends

Does this describe a good metal detector? Also can all detectors detct gold? Im a begginner thanx?

Well, 16 cm is about 5 and a half inches, so it's going to be pretty much useless. It's saying that the range is 5 1/2 inches downward, which is not much. If you're looking for gold, this won't help at all.

I fired my boyfriend but i still feel for him:(?

well ask him if he really did use u and if he did then tell him this "i cant believe u used me, is that girl really worth OUR 6yr friendship and if he isnt using u then tell him what u heard and how it made u feel since he still dating her then just wht ever ignore him. guys dont know wht they have tell she leaves

How do lions determine a king or queen?

I'm writing a story for a contest, and I want to begin it with a lion overthrowing my character, who was the current king. Do they challenge each other to a fight.. Or what?

Was Malcolm X the greatest American of all times?

Not the greatest, but definitely one of the top five. For me, he's like number two. I think many do not appreciate his teachings because he was very no non-sense about the changes that needed to take place in America. But, I mean, really, what sense does it make to continuously be treated less than when you work as hard as the next man? You can't piss on me and tell me it's raining. I think everybody should live by that, no matter what color or religion you are. The other thing is, what most people do not know or think about is, closer to the end of his life before he was inated, Brother Malcolm toned down his messages of "By any means necessary". As he made more trips to Africa and the Middle East, he saw how color and separation of people were social constructs that were not necessary for TRUE justice, which is what he wanted here in America.

Does a ual preditor/molester realize the bad effects his acts have on the victim or ?

or do they think the victim is enjoying the ual act as well and they don't understand that what they are doing has bad side effects for them?

More info saying that Global Warming is a hoax?

a href="http://www.prisonplanet.com/princeton-physicist-tells-congress-earth-in-co2-famine-increase-will-be-good-for-mankind.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.prisonplanet.com/princeton-ph…/a

Does Taylor Swift's album "Fearless" remind anyone of Twilight? ?

I have only heard a few of the songs , but it sounds an awful lot like it the way you describe them ! I think White Horse , Forever and Always, and Love Story (The only three that I've heard) , should be on the New Moon soundtrack ! I heard that the PCD song "I hate this part right here", is going to be on the New Moon soundtrack ! If you haven't heard it , you should listen to it , because I think it fits where he leaves her perfectly !

In a right triangle with one acute angle that is 30 degrees and a hypotenuse of 16 sqrt3, what is the length ?

In a right triangle with one acute angle that is 30 degrees and a hypotenuse of 16 sqrt3, what is the length of the long leg?

Halloween Short Story idea?

For school I have to write a short story that's eerie/ spooky. It can't be gory, though blood can be mentioned it cannot be described in great detail. I have some ideas but none that fold out into a complete story..... any suggestions? THANKS!

My truck will not start. What do I do?

I have a 92 Ford Explorer but heres what happened. My truck started over heating one day, my buddy said it was my thermostat so I went and bought a brand new one and put it on there. Well turns out that that didn't stop the overheating. So im driving it as little as possible,and the other day it overheated and shut off, so I waited a lil bit and then stated it back up and got it to where i needed to get it. Well then after that every time i started it up water just started pouring out of it. so then it was the seal on the water pump. I went and got a new water pump yesterday and we put it on. (took us nine hours) and once we got it on we had to rush cause I had to be at work at nine and I called them and told them I was gonna be late and they kept calling me bugging me so i rushed a lil bit faster. Well we got it together and started it up and no leaks. So filled it up with water and went to work. The temperature gauge sow no signs of overheating but we was on our way to walmart and then my truck shuts off, starts smoking. So I took the few jugs of water I had in my truck and put it in there and waited like thirty minutes for it to cool down. Then drove it instead of going to walmart I just turned around and headed home. Well on my way home it shuts off again but this time no smoke was coming out so i just rolled it to where I can park it out of the way like someone else would do. Well my truck wasn't over heated this time but it wont turn over. Well turns out my fan was kinda loose but I don't think that would stop my truck from starting. I think it would just start spinning and eventually break. But I'm not too worried about it breaking I just need to get it back to my house. One of my buddies says it was my alternator that went out. Another said my motor probably seized up from over heating so much. My buddy that said it was my alternator said it probably went out cause I'm running a 600 watt amp off my battery. I'm not sure. I hope you mechanics can help me. Whats my diagnosis here?

Am I the only one that thinks the new Spock is hot ;-)?

Me too! I love Zachary Quinto as both Sylar and Spock :) I loved the romance between him and Uhura too.

Cam Newton to Washington?

The Redskins will trade up this year in the draft to get the Heisman trophy winner Cam Newton. This will be a great fit for Cam Newton but I would personally like to see him in Minnesota with the Vikings even tho I am a Redskins fan. I think that the Redskins should trade up for Ryan Mallet, but thats just me.

Dont you hate people like this..?

well that's just life but you don't need to prove anything to your brother as long as you know he's nice that's all that matters

Why is it the government's responsibility to control fatties?

It's not any governments responsibility to control how much people eat, but it IS the governments responsibility to control WHAT we eat. High fructose corn syrup is extremely fattening and it's in EVERYTHING. So it's fattening, drives up the price of goods and reduces our ability to manufacture ethanol from corn which would help alleviate our dependence on foreign oil. It's also the governments responsibility to make sure that food companies aren't poisoning us with artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors, preservatives or pesticides. Yes, we're free to buy what we want, but we can only make informed decisions when the Corporations give us ACCURATE information about what we're eating. If you had the choice of buying a loaf of bread that had a preservative that may cause cancer vs. buying a loaf of bread without that preservative, most of us would opt for the one without, but if we don't know it's there and don't know what it does, we'll just keep buying that loaf of bread and keep poisoning ourselves. It is the job on any/ EVERY government to look out for the best interests of its People.

Depresion: plz hel me out my depresion is getting worse and idk what to do??!!!?

I wish I knew more of what was bothering you. All I can tell you is that I am 31 years old and my mother killed herself June 26th!!! I cant even explain to you the mess she left behind and all the hurt, there hasnt been one day that has gone by where I havent just cried my heart out!!! Please, the pain is never so bad that you should do that to anyone. There are always ways to get help but you need to speak to a professional or check yourself into a hospital. You are very young and I know life is very hard but death is not the answer. I wish I could help you or talk to you...... I have been depressed before in a hole I never thought I would come out of and medication worked for me. No matter how you feel always remember that there are people who love you and want to help and most of all God loves you.

Will a chevy 4.3 liter fit a 1996 isuzu rodeo?

the rodeo had a 3.2 liter in it that i think was made by chevy will it bolt right up to the trans and are the mounting brackts at the same place

Is he just extra cranky?

Well my husband works a lot too and I stay home but I definitely don't allow my husband to speak to me this way. I simply tell my husband if you are not happy with it do it yourself. He is only ho,e one day a week anyway. What I have found works is I let my kids play all day and clean up and hour or two before my husband gets home. This way I am able to sit and play and relax with my kids all day and have the house straighted up before he gets home. Ive also found that if dinner is done when he gets home he is happy. I make dinner for my two little ones at 5 pm and make extra for my husband and re heat it when he gets home. I have the bed made and ready for sleep and I have his work clothes set out for the next day. I deep clean my house once a week on his day off while he plays with the kids and the rest of the week I just keep on top of the little messes and it stays generally clean. I have a three year old and a one year old and I am expecting again. I had many problems with my husband and house work when we first got together but we worked through them as the years have gone on I am getting better at it and because we truly love each other we were able to compromise and work through it. I f your boyfriend truly loves you he will be willing to work with you and understand that even thought you may not work your body is not the same right now and it is hard to clean but you will do your best. You should also let him know that you really are not supposed to be using cleaning chemicals anyway while you are pregnant. If he truly loves you he will understand and be willing to work with you. If you are the one that stays home and does the house work you are the one that makes the schedule and the house run. If he is not comfortable with the way you do this then he needs to get over it or find a new someone. I wish you the best of luck and hope you are able to find a middle ground with your boyfriend.

I want to buy "palm tungsten E2" handheld pda.I want to know that how can i connect and browse the web in it.

You can buy a wifi sd card from Palm or google for one. Also, you can connect to the internet through a bluetooth connection if you have a bluetooth adapter.

Missed an important meeting with my lecturer!?

I was supposed to submit a course work long time ago, but I didn't, so my lecturer sent me an email telling that I should meet him urgently today afternoon, so he can look into my issue and give me a chance, and because i didn't sleep the previous night, I over slept and missed the meeting, I've got an email from him telling that he awarded me a zero mark for not turning up. what do I do to make this work again?

Have they taken off Gilmore Girls on E4?

i love this program so much but haven't been following it over the summer and noticed it hasn't been on when it used to be.

GCSE maths exam higher today !!!!!!!?

how did you find the exam the non calculator exam today, mine went ok , what was the last question answer and the probability question i found hard what were they? also , what was that stupid prism volume and the polygon exterior angles

What about Rajini's "ENDHIRAN - The Robo" songs?

Wav, I like all the songs in Endhiran. Excellent lyrics and terrific music composed by the team. What are you thinking about it. Which song you like most?

How do I tell a guy he's cute(: ? 10 points!!!?

okay so I like this guy at my tinyy private high school but we're in diff grades so I don't have any cles with him:( anyways he had recently changed his hairstyle and I was going to say to him while ping in the halls, "Hey ____! I like your new hair. It looks cute on you(:" and then keep walking. I went to school today and he changed his hair back to the way it was before!! Ughhh so now I can't use that line! The main reason I want to tell him I think he's cute is because I know that's the only way he will ask me to prom. I would def prefer if I didn't flat out say it... trying to think of a more creative way. any ideas are greatly appreciated! (: and please no answers like "hey yyy your smokin(;" lol I would never use that! Thanks so so so much!!!! God bless(:!! 10 POINTS!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Healthcare bill - what do you think?

I think tort reform needs to be part of it and third party payers should be minimized or done away with, which includes the government. I like Ron Paul's plan, along with his suggestion to do away with the antitrust laws prohibiting doctors from requiring arbitration provisions. That doesn't even limit the recovery necessarily, just the huge cost of getting any recovery decided at all.

If I start an ebay shop, would I have to pay VAT or any other charges (other than the �14.99 a month)?

I'm selling a few items but the listing fees are very high. Will starting an ebay shop lower my listing fees for auctions with reserves on (each item is costing me between �10-�20) and will it lower the final value fee on a buy it now (the fee I'm charged when I sell an item on a buy it now). Are there any other fees (except the �14.99 a month) and will I have to pay VAT on all my items? Is it worth me starting an ebay shop or to sell on my normal ebay account?

Best Rock Guitarist of all time?

wheres glenn frey,slash,and john lennon,and paul mccartney?,gary lightbody,dont mock,there keeping proper music alive!

Do i have hypothermia?

it's a nice chilly 37 degrees outside, and i decided to wash my hands without waiting for the water to warm up. i followed the "sing your ABCs twice" rule, and now my hands are numb and... i think they have a blue-ish tint!!! what do i do?

New Sprint Instinct, are there any drawbacks or is it better than the iPhone?

I don't know about the sprint phone, but I can tell you that right now the best phone similar to the Iphone is verizon's LG voyuer. I was going to buy the Iphone, until I read Consumer Reports. I'm glad I went with the LG - works like the Iphone, but it has more safety measures added, so you don't have to worry about having your phone hacked. It's easy to use, and I love the ease of downloading songs, and watching tv, whenever I want, it's an awesome phone - but like the Iphone it costs around 299.00 -

I had a dream on New Year's Eve? Help.?

OK. So, I was babysitting like 20 kids and on the news there was a story about two cannibals/ vampires on. They would go around and drink the blood, then eat the bodies. Well, they ended up coming to the house I was at. Somehow, they got in when I locked every door and window (no chimney). Well, I tried convincing them that children and old people were nasty and teenagers tasted the best. (Sacrificing myself for the children) I told them I was almost done watching the kids and they could have me after. I offered my wallet/ purse and everything to them to get them to leave. One was twice my size and the other I was twice his size. Somehow, I ended up pushing them both out of the back door at the same time. Apparently, I had super strength or something. Well, I locked the door, once again the skinny one got in. I turned back around and started kicking his a**. The fat one came in at that point and started helping me ( I thought that he probably wanted all the people to himself). I ended up ripping the skinny dudes arm off from the elbow down. And then I woke up with my hands feeling weight in them like I had carried the arm out of my dream. I was afraid to open my eyes, but when I did there was nothing in my hands. Oh yea, the skinny guy had orange skin and the fat guy had green skin. If that matters, I don't know. But please help me.

Can anyone give me some advice to gain more confidence?

Know that God can help you live a better life if you want Him to help you. You can have a personal relationship with God by saying the prayer below. God is our Creator, all-knowing, all-powerful, eternal, holy, love. God loves us and sent us His Son, Jesus Christ, so we can go to heaven if we know and follow Him. Forever means without end -- time on and on without death. Forever is what happens after we die. Either we go to heaven and be with God forever, or we go to hell which is very bad and painful forever. The good people who are saved believers in Jesus Christ go to heaven. The bad people go to hell. We need to know and follow God in this world to get to heaven in the next world. We follow God by loving and obeying Him and loving others for Him. Jesus Christ, God's Son, is our bridge to God. Jesus died on the cross to cancel our sins. We need to accept Jesus into our life as our Lord and Savior forever to receive God's blessing and forgiveness plus go to heaven to be with God forever after we die. This is about being a born-again Christian. Faith in God is a gift from God. You can pray for faith in God. Just speak out and ask God for the faith to believe in Him and to follow Him. Some people find faith in God when they realize the beauty in the world is made by God. Evolution can't explain the world's natural beauty, for example, the parks in the world, animals, flowers, peas, sunsets, erflies, rainbows, etc. After you have your faith on, you can pray a sinner's prayer to be a born-again Christian. This prayer is very important and should be said with a sincere heart and faith in God. This is the prayer: "Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and that Jesus Christ is the sacrifice for our sins. I have done the following sins (state these out) and I pray to discontinue these sins. I pray to receive Jesus Christ into my life as my Lord and Savior forever. In Jesus' name, amen." I'm Lutheran and I like the Baptist churches too. You could check out a Christian church and also see about their weekly Bible study group as a good way to learn about God's will for your life. You can pray to God about your daily life and have a Christian church pray for you.

I sent her gifts she returned them back?

i know this girl since child hood and then i moved to a new place and we lost contact. we met after 9 years its been almost 2 years we have met. i got her address from smewhere and sent her some gifts for her birthday. she got furious over it and sent them back to me. what does this mean. she says she wont talk to me forever and i am shattered. i like this girl and she doest know about it. what should i do?

Recommended telescope?

I have one now with a focal length 900 and eye pieces H20mm and SR4mm and a 3X barlow lense. I really want a new one thats stronger and between the price range of 100-250 or maybe a little higher, if its a really good telescope (like on ebay, cuz they're cheaper on there) any suggestions?

Post operative indication for tamoxifen thpy for welldiffern endomtr adeno ca ER+, PR+ no LN <1/2 myometr?

My wife is optd for above condition. total hysterectomy with bilat pelvic node resection done. no LN invovement. gynaecologist adivsed follow up. Oncophysician suggested tamoxifen therapy. I,m not sure as tamoxifen is known to incr endometrial cancer risk

Confused about parents divorce.?

In fifth grade, my parents had divorced. I moved from Florida to Nevada with my mom, brother, and sister. About nine months later, I, alone, moved back to my father. I spent the rest of fifth grade their. In sixth grade, I went to a school that would help me with the divorce, my ADHD, and to help me socially, because I was picked on often. Immediately after sixth grade, I moved to New York, where a lot of my dad's family was and where I was born. I made friends right away, and the divorce didn't bother me much. Overtime, I felt my the relationship between my father and I was degrading, and I felt really bad. Now I'm turning fourteen in two weeks, and about four months ago my dad got remarried, and the relationship between my father and I is getting better. My mom had got remarried much before that, though. I initially liked my dad's new wife. I'm Jewish, and reasonably religious. My new stepmom, however, is strangely super-orthodox. I hate it. I hate her kids, I hate how she thinks, how she talks, and her in general now. My mom's new husband is awesome. I really like him, and miss my bother and sister, too. My mother, brother, sister, and stepdad, whom I really like a lot, don't consider themselves Jewish at all, though, and I like being Jewish, but not as religious as my stepmom, but my mom is convincing me it's all in my head. I'm going to high school next year, my mom had moved to Washington with my stepdad and my siblings. I feel I should make a decsision. Should I stay here, miserable, move with them and be happier but change everything about myself, or spend half a year in each place? Thanks.

Is that typical of sorority girls?

Last semester I tagged along to some frat party with my roomate who was rushing. Party was fun and all, but at some point some female who I umed was the president of one of the sororities attending the party came and said to me that if I wasn't nice/kind to her she would tell the president of the fraternity who had organized the party to not let me join (I had no intention to join but I didn't tell her that...). I just smiled and went my own way wondering what just happened. When I told that to my roomate he just said that she was probably just trying to get into my pants... Is he right or was she on some kind of power trip knowing it was rush week and just wanted to order me around? I'm new to the whole americant college student life. Is that kind of behavior typical of sorority girls?

Imm only 13 andd ii keep getting terrible pains!?

im only 13 years oldd and ii keep getting sharp pains inn my sides, ribs, head and really sharp pains in myy heart.. ii was in lesson last week andd ii gott really sharp pains in my sides and my heart and i struggled to stand up.... Whaat couldd thiss bee and helpp pleaseee!!!? imm averaage heightt andd averageee weighhtt.

Please answer chicks and dudes!!!!!! ibeg you. girl troubles?

i like t|his girl. we only chat on facebook. she prefers it this way. we seem to get on fine as friends. she seems a bit shy, yet confident with her friends. she doesnt send me any spontaneous messages. i send her and replies. she uses the 'awww' and 'ha ha' and 'lol' expressions alot. i have complimented her on the way she looks but she hasnt complimented me. should i pursue her or give up?

If God exists, why does he allow suffering in this world?

I know all that stuff about free will, but that doesn't stop him averting famine, earthquakes, disease, volcanic eruptions, global warming ect. For God to exist and not be a sadist then human beings must be the only cause of human misery. Or do you have a better scenario?

How Y is Charlie Sheen from 10-10+?

he is a -100,000,000,000,000! You also need to stop answering everyone's questions with that *heart heart heart* Charlie Sheen! It's not helping anyone and you need to get over him! I am telling this for your own good.Screw him and get a life! It's not going to happen and your going to be single your whole life if you don't get over that stupid Charlie Sheen!

How butch is Ellen?

Just wondering if you think she is lipstick or totally butch? Or in the middle? How butch is butch and to what degree is Ellen????

At 7 weeks..?

i would only worry when your pain is accompanied by bleeding or if the pain is really bad, but by what your saying sounds completly normal, its just all your ligaments stretching, even tho your baby is not very big but your body is doing a lot of work just now. try not to worry too much about it, but remember if u start bleeding please seek help xxxxx

Please help with a calculus problem?

Suppose that the supply equation for a certain commodity is p=S(x)=5 +.3x dollars and the demand equation is p= D(x)= 40 - .2x dollars. Find the equilibrium point. (Xo,Po).

What is the most effective commodity at the command of interest groups?

The most effective special intrest groups have people that believe in their cause. Whether their in it for money, the environment, civil liberties or whatever. Those pionately involved make all the difference.

Based on the bellow information, what is the wholesale cost of the earrings?

If a retail jeweler sells a pair of gold earrings for $213.90. The jeweler uses a 130% markup based on cost.

Why pollution happens if plastic covers are thrown in non agricultural urban city?

Plastic is a long aged noxious substance which blocks the sewerage systems that causes filth & mosquito. We should try to make it recycled without spreading it more coz It will take a long long time to break down back & will bring out carbon like elements if burnt to be destroyed.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Need help, FAST!?

you are going to have to get the 3 of you together and talk about what it is that is bothering/hurting all of you and work it out that way.

Hairspray audition song for guys?

hey guys. im auditioning for a regional production of Hairspray in a few days and i need help picking a song. I am auditioning to be a part of the Esemble/Cuncil Dncer and potentially Lnk Lrkin. Im 19 years old and a Tenor/Baritone. The audition notice called for an upbeat musical theatre song or a song from the late 50's/60's, but i would prefer to do a musical theatre song. I hope you guys can help, im kinda stuck. Thanks!!

Extend laptop battery performance?

I will be flying on a 5 hour flight and I would like to take my laptop with me to work on the plane. My battery life is about 3 hours, so I'm trying to decide whether I should buy a spare battery to take, or whether there's another charging method that I can bring with me to charge my laptop while on the plane. There are no empower port on the plane (at least it's not guaranteed). Any suggestions??

Are there any gloves that ACTUALLY work.?

me and my family are DONE with buying lots of gloves and hoping their going to work. WASTE OF MONEY!!! what gloves are out there that will seriously work?? i live near minneapolis MN.

What is CSA?

What is CSA? I mean the acronym that is put after people names . Usually can see this in the ending credits of the Hollywood movies. I'm asking abt that CSA. not child support agency or Confederate States of America I think... ???

Why do people hate the Jewish people so much?

Back during the middle ages when the bible was the law. The church made making money a sin, jews didn't have to follow this obviously so they made more money than the christians, giving them a head start. Jelousy set in and thats why europe hates jews. Its not their fault, the people of the dark ages were too stupid to realize what kind of sitituation they were in.

I have a question involving inlaws and a brother inlaw and renegging and changing plans?

While I can see how this would be very annoying for you, I agree a bit with mom23 that maybe you could have thought a bit more about this before reacting. Kids should be okay to sleep in a sleeping bag on the floor in a home, and if they aren't, they are a bit spoilt and should learn to live with it (and the cousins might really enjoy the sleepout together). The baby should be right with you, shouldn't she? Yes it is inconvenient and maybe there has been some game-playing going on, and you are really going out of your way to travel there. Maybe you could make another time to visit, or get them to visit you. I don't think it is worth letting this get in the way of family reunion time. It would take effort on your behalf and mean dealing with being outside your comfort zone, but really, this visit would have required that whatever way you look at it. Maybe you need to work on being more flexible and less resistant to changes at short notice. Life is too short to be negative. What if something happens to one of the family and you didn't spend that time together? Would this reason really be worth that? Good luck, hope things work out for you.

What cellphone is better? Ten easy points?

im with alltel and they are merging with verizon and i want a new phone should i get the Blitz or blackberry in pink see this website to see what they all have and what not a href="http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/store/controller" rel="nofollow"http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/store…/a

I need some advice on how to deal with this problem, can anybody help?

Right, On Saturday I got a new housemate. He's quiet, polite, studious and paid promptly. However, he is at home all the time and has no job lined up. DO you think it is reasonable for me to ask him to leave and find somewhere else to live?

How do i get a female interested in my wife?

My wife is biual, she likes to keep that discrete. She does not normally go to lgbt bars or nightclubs due to the fact that she likes to go out with me, her husband. Whenever she does go places alone she obviously gets hit on by women but doesn't do much more than dance. How do I get a woman at a bar, nightclub, stripclub etc. Interested in my wife? I usually know her type. Do I sneak a note? Have somebody else tell her? Do I make eye contact and gestures? We are in our mid 20s, married and she likes to be with a woman here and there. Not like a one night thing. But friendship then maybe more. She had a gf before we knew eachother and im cool with sharing...I know you women know some stuff us men don't lol. Please help me, any suggestions are good suggestions. Thanks

How can i know the cost of the brine water crystallizer?

The simplest answer to your question is to contact a local supplier and ask them. If I tell you that a friend recently bought one for 647 billion Zimbabwe dollars, is that of help to you? I very much doubt it.

Old Socks For Plant Drainage?

I have a bunch of old socks that have holes in them and instead of throwing them away, I was thinking about reusing them for other projects. Could I use the socks and cut them up and put them in the bottom of a planter or container for plant drainage? Maybe put a couple of layers and then put soil on top of them. Has anyone every done this?

ADHD/ADD meds and kids!? The real outcome and fears not to mention is it really adhd/add?!?

Sounds like very intelligent bot otherwise normal child. IT takes some longer than others to adjust to the structured environment of a school. As for an alternative school, I'd consider Montessori. I think it is better as it is a more creative approach to schooling.

Can't keep ANYTHING down. second day in a row?

okay so all of yesterday i tried to eat and drink and it all came back up with in 15 minuets. no liquids stayed down nothing.. i tried everything... please don't say ginger ale.. it makes me sick.. today i got out of bed and instantly was struggling not to throw u.. i had been up for an hour (and couldn't eat anything) and threw up three times.. just bile was coming up then i would dry heave for two minuets. i have a 10 month old so its not as easy as just going to the hospital.. im going to the doctor this after noon. but what can i do till then? i mean i even tried to take my prenatal and it took that five minuets to reappear. do you think they'll send me to the hospital to get an I.V? could this seriously hurt my baby? I'm starting to feel really dizzy to.

Dwayne Wade to the BULLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

Would be great!! There's a chance...I'd like to see tyrus thomas leave and joakim noah can go back to Florida where he played college ball. Maybe

What is the correct saying and what is it derived from?

Is it "the drug store is'caddy' corner from here"? Is the word 'caddy', 'kiddy', 'catty', 'kitty', 'kiddie', etc... ? I have no idea but someone used the word in a blog and couldn't say if they used the phrase correctly or not. Anyone?

What defines a or a Slut, did I fall for one or is she misunderstood?

Avoid her! If a 16 year old has consensual with another teen it is bullcrap if she has him incarcerated. I am aware that a 19 year old is a legal adult but this will ruin the REST of his life. If he lives to 80 that is 61 crappy years! If she is willing to ruin his life what is to stop her from doing something bad to you. She has no conscience and is bad news. Run far away from this girl.

Is former press secretary to bush cashing in on his White House service?

He is denounced by Ari Fleischer and Condolesa Rice as a turncoat. So do you think his 'higher loyalty' is to the truth or is it for the cash? I was a public service employee most of my life and I was sad to see him capitalizing on a 'story' that is already being touted as inaccurate by those named in his book. Pity he has brought new fire for the radical left who propoganda is second nature too.

WTF?? Am I mistaken or did Bush use "budget" reasons to explain his veto of the Child Healthcare Bill

I cant believe this! well actualy i can expect this from bush. I cant wait until 2009! I guess Iraq is more important than our american children. You know with all the money he has spent on the war all of us could have had some form of medical coverage at no cost..just saying ....BUSH needs to get out of the white house! lol im just venting!

Who can help when my son is in prison for a crime he didn"t do?

For 14 months my son was in prison for forgery,during this time the courts said he was making meth.Not true, to my knowledge they don"t let people out to do this.I contacted the justice department and they gave the federal prosecutor all the evidence I sent them.Everyone involved in my sons case is guilty of at least official missconduct.What can a Dad do? I am poor,disabled,and so is his Mom.Will someone take his case? He will win millions in civil court.Mom has all evidence to prove never guilty.Will someone interested please help? We haven"t seen our son in years.

Is it safe to fill a plaster table base with cement to hold a granite table top?

I have a plaster table base that has a opening on the bottom. I guess it's used for if you need to fill it with something? I was wondering If I filled it with cement to make it more heavy to hold the granite table top. I have kids and I don't want it to tip over. I was also thinking of filling it with plaster. Not sure what to do. Please help if anyone knows.. Thank You!!

Florida child custody advice!?

I am in need of legal advice, my daughter is 19months old me and her father have never been married. He was very mentally and verbally abusive throughout my pregnancy. most of it he was not around, but when my daughter was born he popped up and convinced me he wanted to be around and do the right thing i have him that chance and we ended up moving in with him during that time he continued the mentally and verbal abuse. He did drugs, drank alot and this caused many fights i told him it had to stop or i was leaving... well in July of last year my daughter got very sick and was hospitalized, her father (i was still iving with) abandoned me at the hospital refused to come visit, bring me clothes or money to eat. While in there he decided it was best for us to leave, so i consented to moving out not like i had a choice since he packed up our stuff and put it out on the carport. After that i attempted to contact him and was told he would not give me any money to help with her until a judge ordered it and would not see her until a judge ordered that as well. That was all i heard until he was ordered to pay child support, he made two very weak attempts to see her inwhich the conversation ended up in him screaming and becoming verbally abusive once again. that was january 09 i heard nothing else until July 09 when i was served with a petition for visitation. when i recieved that i contacted him and agreed to voluntarily let him see his daughter everything was find we went to court and the judge said we should fill out a parenting plan but i have not recieved that from his lawyer or recieved anything in the mail. There is nothing in the courts as to visitation. I have continued to let him see her but, he is becoming verbally abusive again, refuses to come and get her, i drive her there i usually pick her up. I had to go out and find the things she needs while she is there (crib and carseat) i have to bring her things there that she needs as they refuse to buy them. I feel i have gone out of my way to help him be a part of her life... but recently he is becoming difficult to deal with, he is insisting on him having her every weekend for the entire weekend. He refuses to call me, instead has his moom call unless its to scream at me than he calls. Last weekend was the second time i let her stay the night, she came home dirty, smelling of dog urine, she seemed traumatized, and had a bruise on the back of her leg that appeared to be finger prints. it has been brought to my attention that he does drugs, his dad sells them out of the house, and he has guns (do not know if they are legal or not). With this information my question is... Do i legally have to let her go over there since there is no court order? and if i do does he legally have to give her back to me? Would any of this information hold up in court trying to get limited visitation between him and her? I am going to file for Sole custody, is that something that is generally granted or is there a chance there could be another ruling and what might that be? I am petrified of him getting frequent visitation she has gone there twice without me present and has come back in very bad shape. His aggresiveness and the fact that he just keeps pushing and pushing and i feel as if he is no longer thinking of her best intereast instead it seems as if he is doing this because he is paying. He has actually stated that before (if im gonna pay child support i wanna see the kid). I strongly feel its not in her best intereast at this age to be there for over night visits and i really do not believe she is ok there unsupervised. I am afraid of the drug use, guns and his behavior as a whole. the only reason i consented to letting her go is because i was trying to do the right thing and his mom stated she would stay around and her visits would be solely in her care, but i have seen that is not happening and even in her care she is coming back bruised, hungry, acting very odd, smelly, and dirty. What are my rights?? does anyone know of any legal help that isn't legal aid that could help me in this case or give me legal advice as to what direction i could go. I want to do what is best for my daughter. she's too young to have a voice, i can merely go off of the person i knwo he is, how she returns to me. Any help is appreciated!

How should I tell off my Web Design teacher?

We have a project in that cl to make a video of all the places in the school we have good memories of and say a bit about them in the video. I wrote a script of lines to say, and she went through it marking out all the things she finds inappropriate. It was things like "I remember in the gym where the principal gave us a speech telling us that if we don't p, we live our lives in the dumpster." I also put in there that I have memories of the bus because the bus driver makes useless motivational speeches. Well I think that censorship is for the weak. I don't wanna sell out so what can I do? I was thinking on using the uncensored script for the video then saying at the end of the video I used the uncensored script because censorship is for the weak. I will do that unless you have any brighter ideas.

My skin is gone really dry?

My skin was fine until the snowy weather came! My skin then started going really dry on my fore head and nose! I couldn't wear make up because it would come out patchy and you notice the dryness even more! But the snowy weathers gone over a month now and my skin is still very dry! I use Simple moisturiser and Clinique super balance make up but I don't think its the products because i have been using them for the past year! What could be causing this?

Problem with security in desktop?

Use group policies if you are using winxp pro, which will allow you to hide drives and restrict access to printer services.

Spanish Help?

(y a ayudar) y and a or not necesserie (el mundial) its (el mundo) O and Al Gore is not what u think!

What is going on with him?!?

OK, Well let me start off by saying that I am in a long distance relationship with my bf of a year this month and we do see each other every weekend only being 2 hours apart. Anyway, let's start from the beginning....about 4 months ago, I had asked my b/f for his myspace pword so I could add something to his page because it was just easier if I did it rather than he because I know how to work the different codes. ANYWAY, so yeah I'll admit I was feeling nosey so when I was done I went through his messages on there just to see I could find anything. While I was doing this, he was on the phone with me and he obviously could tell that I was really into what I was doing because I wasn't really talking and he kept asking me what I was doing, well it just so happens I fall upon several messages from a girl who lives about an hour from me. I don't know her, and neither does he, apparently he just saw her myspace and started talking to her. As I read on, the messages were getting flirty, and the girl knew he had a g/f and she even said "wouldn't your gf be P.O if she knew you were talking to me?" and he replied saying "I'm not doing anything wrong we are just talking"..so as I'm reading on, I notice that some of the messages are dissapeering..till finally I go to read the next 1 and the folder claims to be empty..he signed on and deleated all the messgaes from that girl as I was reading them. Mind you, in these messages he even tells this girl that he is taking me to a really nice resort for my b-day which was 3 days away...so anyway, I flipped out on him and didn't answer my phone for 2 days. So, I wound up forgiving him that time and he swore to me that he would never do that again and I'm all he wants and whatever. That was Strike 1. So now, he and I are on the same phone plan and I've just lost a lot of trust with him, and on my account I can view all the numbers that are being texted and called so I've seen on my bill that he's been texting and recieving texts from weird numbers..so I confronted him and told him straight out that I have access and can see all this and he told me that this girl was an old friend from high schools g/f. He barely talked to this guy, and he rarely talked to her, and some how she has his number? How? He claims that someone from his hometown could have given it to her. And that he's not talking with her anymore because it seems like she wants more out of this friendship. Anyway, I felt this was too odd, so I texted this girl a few ?'s and she told me that they are just friends and I told her that he felt she wanted more out of this friendship when I confronted him about it so he's going to stop talking to her, and she flipped and said well that's funny cuz last week he said he wanted to f- me..SO, then I call him up and flip out on him again, and he said she's full of it, and he wound up calling this girl and yelling at her apparently cuz I got a txt back from her saying she was just saying that he never said it and she's sorry, because all she ever wanted was to be cool with him. So now at this point I'm confused, and I told him I didn't want him talking to her anymore because I wasn't comfortable with it, and obviously for good reasons. Strike 2. Then this past weekend I see that she texted him at 2am saying that she's drunk..why would she feel the need to text him that after all this drama? She knows I'm his girlfriend..why would he care? I told him he needs to stop talking to her because I'm not puting up with this crap anymore, this is it..strike 3 your out. He says he is being polite and answering when people (girls) text him, he can't just say "I don't want to talk to you anymore" I'm not asking him to say that, either kindly explain to them, or just ignore them they will get the hint. Not like it matters anyway he barely knows her. Then just this morning I went on and saw that she texted him for a good hour on Sunday, AFTER I had left, and I asked him why he was texting her and not me and he said "that must have been when I was on the phone with you." So I'm like, "wait a minuet, your texting this girl while on the phone with me???" And he's like "she just asked how my weekend was"..SO! I know this was extremely long, but I needed to get this off my chest and maybe get some answers.. what should I do or say? I know there is a trust issue, obviously, but i'm just really confused. Did I act unappropriate, or am I just crazy?! Help!? :)

Do you guys know any free animal clinics in brooklyn ny ?

my puppy just had a seager or however u spell it and he is going crazyy this is not funny so dont laugh please he is in danger he can die he fell from really high spot nd he is twirling omg help me !!! please nd dont give any attitude i just need help

How many games total has the Big 3 for the Celtics played together?

I'm having trouble finding this stat. I know Garnett was injured a lot last season and Allen was banged up here and there, but since the 3 were put together 2 seasons ago (including playoffs) how many games have all 3 men been out on the floor?

Here's a weird dilemma, so just some points of views here?

in some cases opposites attrack... when a guy is really energetic and aggressive they don't want someone that can make them worse. sometimes they just need someone to tame and calm them down, and she just may do that. in the mean time you're being a great friend to him. but most likely they'll break up cause he'll do something wrong and she'll get mad. seen it many times before. but when that happens you'll be there and be what he really needs, someone that gets him

Sound crackling and volume loss in recording in Audacity?

Whenever I try to record an instrument on my laptop the sound will be distorted and there will be crackling noise and after 10 seconds into the recording the volume drops and the sound quality is really bad. This never happened on my old pc that had windows xp, but whenever i try to record on my laptop with windows 7 it records crappy even with a good mic. Is it the soundcard?

How long until I can dunk off two feet?

Im 15 year old male 6'4 and still probobly have some growing to do. I can already throw down one handed off one foot. how long will it be before i can dunk off 2? Im lifting weights for bball and we just started

What are superdelegates and why do they determine and not the people who should run or become president?

Hi I was just wondering what are the delegates and superdelegates? Why do they determine who runs and not the people who are asked to go out and vote? What is the sense in we the people voting if it does not matter?

My wife finds it necessary to explain heself if asked to go to play a sport.?

When my wife is asked to play a game of tennis with a genetleman whith who she had a premaritual relationship. She finds it necessary to give an explination and he ask why. Am I over reacting in insiting that her answer be No wothout explinaion. We have decideded that she needs to stop ociating with this person but she finds it necessary to explain why she cannot play badminton with hm.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How to get him as a friend?

Just ask him guys like that, (especially geeky guys like us). You could be like "whats up home dawg, whats been shakin' your tree lately?" He will probably laugh and think you are a dork, but then open up some, and you can talk about it or other stuff.

Ideas for what to do with girlfriend?

Party, have some fun. Play some cards, sit and drink hot coco , talk a bout the future with eachother, invite some friends over.

Anyone have "extra" guppies? Will provide a good 10 gallon home but have zero budget.?

I had a great thing going, breeding some fancy guppies, several gererations and up to 29 fish. Then had water problems which killed off all but 5---over several painful months. Now all is stabilized, haven't lost a fish in over a month, but 4 of the 5 guppies I have left are males, so I wish I could somehow increase the school. Unfortunately I have no money to buy more fish, but since guppies tend to breed fairly fast, I am hoping someone out there might have an over-populated tank and be happy to send some to a new home where they will be loved and appreciated. My wife and I have 5 children who also enjoy my fish, plus one plecostimus who keeps the 10 gallon tank beautifully clean! Thanks for considering...

Do I have any options for getting out of my lease if I break up with my girlfriend?

If you still have a copy of the lease you need to look to see what the penalties are for breaking it. You may find it cheaper to stay then loose a PILE of money in damages.

Mark Twain / Giants-Rangers / World Series. WTF?

..."coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco". Here's an udate from SF at 11 AM....Bring your layers, when the sun sets tonight right about game time...it's gonna get nippy. Wind might be a factor. This is going to be a brawl, this series...a back and forth up and down ride for both teams. Lady luck will call the final shot.

Does anyone know where I can find.....?

You can find the picture online in multiple ways. The best option is using Googles Picture search. Type in NYC Skyline in the search box and press enter. Also you could try shutterstock.com which is a photographers website with tons of pictures.

Information on mortgage loan defaulters involved in the Financial meltdown ?

considering loans used to be - you disn't need to prove income, you didn't need to prove anything or have any money down - who do you think would take advantage of this? EVERYONE lol illegal, legal or citizen or not - anyone that could slip thru the cracks did - so does it really matter "who" took out the loans - not really - it does matter that we let those people get a loan at all to begin with. The Gov hates to admit they screwed up.

Is any draws conducted recently by microsoft promotion award team on april 1st of this year?

I take it the date doesn't mean much - April 1st is April Fool's Day - even the phone numbers are fake, let alone the draw ! ! !

From a scientific standpoint, physical variation is real. Racial categories?

A. Don't fit very well because there is very little variation in modern humans. There are also no defined boundaries between most racial groups. Skin color is only a few genes and doesn't show how closely related people are.

Is USA a nation of hypocrites?

In both Kosovo and Iraq the US ignored Russia. Now with the missile shield the russians feel pressured to respond, however that does not justify their actions. Their invasion was clearly planned far in advance, and clearly also illegal.

Long read: Would you describe this as depression?

its not only you, everyone is struggling in there own small way, some have worst some have even none. you're 14 female, you can make a difference in your life, you can change your life, change your current situation, be positive and make the most of it. .. you're thinking short term.. think long term.. dream, plan, 5 years ,10 years and 15 years of your life , how do you plan to get there? how can you achieve that dream of yours. but you need foundation to where you are going. if you want to get out from where you are, you have to dream. nothing is impossible

Am I a slut? What do you think? Can you relate?

No I wouldn't say you're a slut at all! Seriously if you're still a virgin that can say no then you're defiantly not a slut!! I kind of have similar experiences but not really. Like I have this guy friend who is very touchy with me & I let him do that to me, but that doesn't mean I'm a slut. I have my boundaries.

I need lyrics from a song with sarcasm in it. ?

its for a language project and its the only literary term i cant find in a song. and please good songs no old and boring and ugly songs i have fall out boy and paramore and sixx am and red jumpsuit on this so songs like those

Is this diet considered undereating?

your good on calories but 1200 is whats needed by the way cut out the noodles and cornflakes and bread if your trying to lose beauty

How well do you compose yourself when someone says something negative about your child?

When I went to pick up my stepdaughter from my husband's ex, my stepson wanted to play with my son (my stepson is grown) anyways, I let him get him out of the car, and my husband's ex came out of the house saying "don't you ever bring that kid to my property, how dare you bring that kid around me, and as she was walking in the house she spouted off that with his blonde hair, he doesn't look anything like his father (I have light blonde hair, but he looks just like his dad btw) and ain't even cute" Now my son is 17 months and a living doll, but when I heard her say that, I literally saw red, I have always heard that, but never experienced it. I just ran up to the door and started banging on it, and was really wanting to just beat the crap out of her for saying that about my son. In 8 yrs, she has done some really bad crap, but I always laughed and let it slide, but the thought of her insulting my baby threw me in a level of anger I have honestly never experienced. If I could have got a hold of her, I really would have done something I would have regretted. Why did I get so angry? Is that a parental instinct? Am insane? I don't want to just go off on random people as my son gets older and more involved with people, and look like trash. How do you handle situations like that?

Geometry help with polygons?

If any two interior points of a polygon can be connected by a line segment that lies in its interior, then the polygon is ___?

Has anyone had they teeth destroyed by braces?

"I was only suppose to be in them for 1 year and didn't get then off til I was 17." there is your problem right there. Also, you don't have the legal authority to allow your mother to do, or not do anything to your sister. If she gets them, tell her not to be an idiot and leave them on two extra years.

Will the new law on unions in Wisconsin hopscotch through all of the US states or be repealed by voters?

The Unions have themselves tied up in Wisconsin. Meanwhile, the same thing is happening all over the country with little protest. A calculated move by the Union leadership, and as it turns out, their fatal mistake.

I have a new Sony Vaio laptop, with built-in camera. How do I use in conjunction with MSN Messenger?

Either on an IM window or just the msn window, on the toolbar at the top there's one that says 'actions' click that, then go down to video and it arrows over and click 'show my webcam'

Golden barrel cactus care?

Here is a web sight that will help tells you all about it. www.alexandgregory.com/cactus_expert.htm…

Have you heard the great news?

Your Gov. is a Monarchy like the UK. You failed to mention it was reported to the Governor General which is the State of Head for the Queen that is upset of what your PM did. Im sure QE2 will want to have a talk with Mr. Harper. I dont know if your old enough to remember the Queen kicked out the PM and all of Parliament when she was so made of the way things were going in Canada

Fungus problem?

Ok so fungus started to grow on my face abd I was wondering how I than checked my water heater and found 6 inches of mold I than got it cleaned. How do I get rid of it is there some type of special antifungal cream that I have to buy specifically for the faceor will any antifungal cream work?

Do folk still have dinner gongs or do they just shout out that the meal is ready?

What does Batman's mother say when his dinner is ready.??? Dinner diner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner Batmaaaaaan......you have to know the theme tune to the show to sing along..

Teenage girls, should i break up with her for her?

ok for a year this girl and i named courtney have been madly in love, we met and the next day she moved out to hurst. we hav ebeen in love online for a year now and neither of us ave moved on yet, and everyday we tell each other how in love we are, but she is 14 and im 15 so we can not see each other and i dont want her to wind up holding herself back in hopes that she and i will be together cuz im a realist and i have come to terms that although i have nvr felt like this for anyone else, we cant be together. i love her enuff to break up with her, should i? i think it will be the best thing for her to move on. but t hurts me too cuz god do i love her

What makes MMA so difficult that there is only one truly dominant fighter?

Another shocking loss this weekend with GSP being koed by Serra. It seems everytime there is a fighter who looks unbeatable he loses. GSP and Gomi I thought were nearly unbeatable. Now fedor is the only fighter I can think of who has had a near perfect run. He did have the one loss due to a cut but other than that he has been perfect. In boxing you see fighters go undefeated for long stretches of time which is probably due to more margin for error. In MMA everyone losses. Why is it so difficult to win consistenly in MMA?

How to creat the undisclose recipent?

I would like to send email to numerous people but I don't want my receiver to find out who I am sending else. How can I creat the undisclosed recipient?

I have a holden barina 1995 model , and it is giving me lot of problems , some times overheating , and then ?

noise while reversing and braking would be brakes or bearing or drive train... vibrating could be tires bad or out of balance or drive train.. overheating low coolant or leak or dirty radiator bad hose loose belt bad fan and or radiator cap

What does this quote mean.?

Now are frolic: not a mouse shall disturb this hallowed house: I am sent with broom before, to sweep the dust behind the door

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Drop Out Of College for Now???......?

Most colleges will offer some sort of program to allow you to do just what you are describing due to a trauma that occurred while at school. Talk to the dean of student life (if your university has one) at your university, or talk to the counseling services and they will be able to direct you where to go. Also, there might be a department called Office of Student istance, or something like that. Also, talk with your parents and get their advice on the best situation for you. You're young so college can wait until you feel better about yourself.

How long do you think it will be before ...?

the media tries to screw LSU up by speculating that Les Miles is gone after this season. It seems like the media always tries to throw a wrench in the plans when they can. Does anyone else feel the same way?

Do I eat too much for how active I am?

If you are not gaining weight, then you are not eating too much. Weigh nude at least once a week as soon as you get up in the morning.

What do you think will become of Morgan Stanley?

They are desperately seeking a merger. It is possible they will be bought buy the Chinese, and they are having negotiations with Wachovia Bank, too. Check out www.bloomberg.com and input Morgan Stanley, and you can track all the news for them. It is not clear they are out of the woods yet. I hope they survive, too. Best of luck to you and your investments.

Ladies, what would you say or do if you found out your husband was a multiple?

recipient of "the most addicted to poontang" award given by his fraternity when they give awards at the annual formal each year back in his college days?

What bed gives the best night sleep?

I would think that if you liked having a water bed, you should get another. The bed that gives the best sleep is different for every person. Those specialty mattress don't always work for everyone. Some people are perfectly happy with cheap mattresses. You should test drive the mattresses before you buy them. Any store that won't let you try them is not worth their salt.

Yard drainage problem - Help!?

I would dig down somewhere away from your house and cap or plub up the end of this drainage pipe coming from this swamp. This drain is acting like a reverse drain and bringing swamp water back towards your home.

How do you find someone to marry you n your partner?

How do you find someone to marry you if you're not linked to a church and if you dont want to get married in a courthouse? I've searched the yellow pages but dont even know what im looking for lol. Were in California. Anyone know?

Siblings are fighting?

Alright well me and my sibling do fight. We are like total opposites and we have to share a room. But I'm the youngest and she's the oldest. I cry, she kicks me while I'm sleeping (literally). It's not awesome because she's 21 and I'm 13. She"s a bit of a neat freak and I only clean when my parents ask. I think my parents are doing the best they can with them fighting as much as we do. I don't think they've failed because I'm still a good kid. I would teach my kids not to fight though. Possibly better than my parents. I think she just isn't going to get along with me and I've faced that. At least I learned never to be her roommate.

Why did not Tamil politicians agitate when several people were killed by pakistan sponsored terrorists ?

Half day fast unto death! lol. That Karunanidhi is a real actor. He should recieve an Oscar. For all the education Tamil people claim they elect the most Nautanki politicians. Rajesh, all the politicians you listed are Congress and Karunanidhi allies.

Kick Offs in the NFL?

If a team that kicks off and the ball is in the endzone without being touched is it a touchback or a touchdown?

Is this not evidence that Yahoo is heavily censoring all election questions? ?

I have already complained to Yahoo about this situation. They have deleted many anwers and wont't post many question most that show support to Obama. I am still waiting to hear back.

What do you think lightening crackles in diwali is good?

There are so many people in this world and each one of them think differently like you feel it is a waste others might not, some may find it a way to have fun...........so it all depends on our thinking. There is pollution everywhere on this earth where ever there are humans so one man cannot control everything and all humans cant think in the same way.

Is this guitar any good?

I am on a low budget and can't afford a fender deluxe strat right now. So I have decided to buy the Squier Hot Rails Deluxe Strat. It is $270 right now. I have checked the reviews on many different online sites that say that it is a good guitar. I want to go to the store to try it out, but I can't for a few reasons. To anyone who owns the guitar, please give a thorough review on the guitar. It would really help.

Is he being so selfish?

The question is "what should YOU be doing?". He obviously wants to live like a bachelor and be treated like a part of a family. You've been with him for 3 years and he still has his own place. That says it all.

Why are Americans in denial over the genocides they and their government are committing in the Middle East?

I would like to know why for 10 years, 3 million Muslims living in third world conditions devoid of food and water, 2 million in Iraq and 1 million in Afghanistan have been d, murdered, and tortured by American troops in their own lands for their oil, and there's much evidence on this including video footage, images, and doentation and 3 million is the official death count, why the Americans continue not only to deny this genocide but when presented with the facts, they attempt to justify genocide by playing the 9/11 card and either blindly or willingly defend the actions of their own tyrannical government, the same one that openly lied to them time and time again about this issue? Which if you still haven't figured it out, 9/11 was an inside job, but hypothetically speaking, let's say it wasn't? Even if it wasn't, America attacked Iraq and Afghanistan. 2 countries that never did anything to anybody especially not to America. Even if you were to believe the original lie about the Saudi hijackers, why are Americans murdering, raping, and torturing Iraqi and Afghani civilian women and children for their oil? Why not attack Saudi Arabia? The supposed hijackers were Saudis right? Why Iraq and Afghanistan? Could it be oil that's fueling their blood lust? Could it be that Americans are so sick minded that they don't care about the fact that they are committing genocide on third world nations for oil? Of course they love to use the argument that they are spreading "freedom" in the Middle East which is nothing but a complete lie as the evidence proves otherwise. Especially considering they installed the same dictator that they overthrew in Iraq and now use that to justify their invasion and completely disregard the fact that their government lied to them about there being weapons of m destruction. Seriously I would love to know the answers to both how these people live with themselves and why these people came to be so heartless? I've engaged in many conversations with them about this online and in person and almost always they will either deny the facts when they are presented to them or play the Sadam Hussein card or the 9/11 card or the dreaded "freedom" card, basically all they can do is move in patterns and use the same lies and tactics over and over again. Another thing that I'm absolutely fed up with, is when I go to YouTube videos, and the video is about Muslims either being d, murdered, or tortured by soldiers or the video doesn't even have to be necessarily about politics it could just be about Muslims, Islam, or the Middle East in a non-political approach, and these people leave these disgusting, monstrous, genocidal comments on any and all videos regarding us. I deal with this on a daily basis both over the internet, in real life, just turning on the televisions, we are constantly being demonized and dehumanized to the point where your average Muslim living in America is so overburdened with false guilt and self hatred for things that both, they didn't have anything to do with as individuals or our people had nothing to do with these events at all. Many Muslims and Mideasterners in America now deny their faith and racial background to avoid discrimination but also to distance themselves from this negative media portrayed image. I mean the people commenting on these videos are saying some of the most inappropriate, disgusting, hateful things and there are no Muslims going to 9/11 videos and saying anything close to what these people are saying. These people go to videos of little Muslim girls being d in Iraq by the troops and saying that "they get what they deserve because of 9/11" and "Islam is evil".I mean I read these things all the time and it's disgusting. And I'm sure after I post this question up I'm going to receive alot of heat from people who seem to think that they can justify this genocide or are so full of media inspired misplaced hatred for my people, that they are outraged when one of us even attempts to defend ourselves. As if we're supposed to accept this genocide and never call into question what they are doing or we will risk being labeled a terrorist? I'd love to know how Americans got to be so sick and soulless? Maybe because of their history, it's manipulation by their government, media, educational system? Keep in mind I'm not here to try and make any excuses or justify their behavior and belief systems, by no means every individual is responsible for their own actions and I'm not going to sit there blaming George Bush the way they (the media) want me to, when 14 year old Iraqi girls are d and tortured in front of their whole families, than all of them burned alive. These in denial of who they really are and have always been, but I want to know how did these people come to such an arrogant supremacist manner of thinking?

First of all...what does it mean to "knock down" wall texture? Second...?

My bedroom is floor to ceiling "popcorn" texture. The people who sold me the home have a high gloss paint over it. I cannot afford to tear down the walls and re-drywall. I don't want the mess of scraping off the bumps. What is another way to retexture the walls? If I use a joint compound to create a different texture, would it work? I really hate it, but financially I'm quite limited. I could not hire anyone to do work for me, so all of my home improvements are done myself or by my mother....(who can do almost anything). But she isn't so sure what we can do about this.

I have a 07 Scion Tc with 100k miles on it, what do i need to do for a tune up?

a good tune up change all belts including timing, spark plugs and cables, filter if you haven't yet any hoses that dont look good check your coolent

Logitech but its not working.?

Please go to the logitech web site and download the driver files for your webcam. Look for the model. You gotta specify it while downloading the driver files. Its written on the device.

Did you know the delegate count is over?

there is no way hillary clinton delusional spin or ysis will work in getting her the nomination .don't you know hillary clinton is finnish .there is no media spin that will help hillary .shouldn't we be supporting the demacrat that will unite this party and win the presidecy in november against mccain . obama 2008

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What are the chances of bein pregnant?

Hi there, 2weeks ago i took the morn after pill after condom splitting with bf, altho i did take late2 and a half days after , then my started to get really sore last week, although i was due on i neva really get sore , anyway I 'came on' lightly sun 2nd dec but b4 this i was getting thoughts that i was preg n waking up through the night n goin 'im preg' but i came on then 2day(mon 3rd dec) i was still light on period n im usually really heavy so i took a hpt n it came out positive but now later on in the evening my period pains r getting worse in the back n more blood i think is coming out so im wondering could the test be wrong? i have been taking epherdrine for when i workout could this affect the result of my test-ephedrine speeds up the heart rate n gives u more energy it is actually banned coz it gives amphetamine like effects but it is not a drug-also if i am preg i am now worried i hve been taking this whilst preg4 2weeks!any advice no stupid remarks pl

Can i get STD's/ Diseases From Masturbating?

So far I've masturbated alot and using different Lubricants... I'm kind of worried here. I've masturbated using, hand lotion, extra virgin olive oil, shampoo,conditioner, dirty socks, AND EVEN MY OWN ***, i havent had ....(yet) can i get any diseases/ STD's please i need answers..

Custody of a child reversed?

I have a friend who as a young mother made some poor choices in life. Instead of letting her children live in foster care, a family friend took in the children. She went to court and gave over her custody of the children to the family friend, it was an Article 6 Indefinite period of custodial. There was some disputes over the years and the family friend held it over the woman's head about not getting her children back. Because the family friend was more well off the woman was scared and didn't do anything about it but keep in contact with her children for the next 8 years and love them and visit them. Now the family friend is getting older and having numerous problems with the children and is considering giving the custody back to the mother. My friend wants to know if they can just go back to court and have the family friend give custody back, or if there needs to be a home study done and lawyers involved? My friend cannot afford an attorney, she just wants her children home, she's already lost 8 years of things she can never get back. Thanks.

Is Sarah Palin a GOP operative meant to divide and conquer Ron Paul supporters?

a href="http://www.rightsidenews.com/200907155492/editorial/limbaugh-palin-might-leave-gop-for-third-party.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.rightsidenews.com/20090715549…/a

Do you think it is wrong for women to wear men's sweatpants? I saw a lady at the gas station tonight wear?

them. I'm not talking about the kind for women but the kind of sweat pants you would see a guy wear. I think it is gross and cross dressing. The Bible says men are not to wear women's garments and women aren't to wear that which pertains to men. Why do some girls like to dress like this???

Is it a success to crack down on a problem, or to prevent an issue becoming a problem in the first place?

This question makes no sense. Aren't they "cracking down" in an attempt to get fewer kids to drink?

Is distortion or overdrive better for general rock on guitar?

I have a silvertone amp that has overdrive and i would like to know what the difference between overdrive and distortion is, which is better for tube amps, which one for regular, which one for pedals, and a general knowledge of those terms before i would want to buy any pedals or amps or whatnot.

Falling for a slut gay guy... what to do?

HI this is me Sam from Gurgaon (India).....i have been ******* around with this hot guy Kabir...it is just that when we do it, it is very-very wild....every time we meet, he rocks my world. He has his own business so we don't get to meet very often, like we've met four times in past 2 years. He is hot and so am I, and we both are sluts, we keep sleeping around with other people, but i really want to develop something with this guy, he is totally my type. i am 24 he is 32 and we are both gym toned and athletic. He tells me that with me is special as we do a lot of ...we kisss all the time 9all the time)...and he ***** real hard but on my insistence he does it slowly. This time i told him that i really really like him and if he wants an unconditional relationship then I am here, but he says that gays are very promiscuous and can't be in relationship. I am a gemini and he is a cancerian, we both are sluts...but i want him bad-bad, not just for ...when i meet him i feel a shiver in my spine....it will be really tough me to get over him. he never texts me or call me, he just replies to mine. How to know if he is into me?

R&S: What prayers should I incite for the swift demise of my enemies?

"O Lord our Father, our young patriots, idols of our hearts, go forth to battle -- be Thou near them! With them -- in spirit -- we also go forth from the sweet peace of our beloved firesides to smite the foe. O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames of summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring Thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it -- for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts. Amen."

I unlock mi iphone 3g 2.2 firmware with QuickPwn22-1 how can get it to work wiht tmobile sim card?

i just jailbreack my iphone 2.2 firmware with the QuickPwn22 but now how i can use my tmobile sim card with it?...... well when i insert the tmobile sim card and it say "no service" i don't know if i have to do something on the settings or i have to install something alse or if i did something wrong.. please help me.... i'm not shure if a have to intall yellowsnow too to make it work with the tmobile sim card ..... please let me know if u can help me with thi issue..... thanks

How does my fantasy football team look?

9-10 Honestly I think you did great! Your QB's are good (Not to sure about Palmer but he should be ok) Your back up RB's are great and since Rudi Johnson was released today Chris Perry could possibly be the starter for Cincy (or you could use him as Trade Bait for the guy who has Rudi Johnson) and your WR's are great, but you might want to start Roddy White if he does well hope this helps!

Shania Twain: reality tv show?

I heard that shania twain is making a reality TV show. if its true, let me know and when does it start and what channel. thanks :)

Do you think this is good?

pretty good, just need to fix some of the little details. good luck, and keep going with it (also, you go into far too much detail with what the man was wearing, and don't use parenthesis () use dashes or semicolons instead. parenthesis are the mark of a bad writer

Help with brief Spanish speech.

I think it's easier to translate it directly from English than to fix it. Some parts are really hard to understand, really, that text has many mistakes.

Can a human body be frozen alive, and then still be alive after defrosted?

I am doing some research for an extra credit project and I can't find the information I need online, so I decided to try yahoo answers. I need to know if at this present time is it possible to freeze a live human body, and then defrost the completely frozen body and it still be alive? PLZ answer quickly, in like the next half an hour.

Does this sound like pregnancy?

My cycle starts around the same time on the 16th of every month like clockwork.My last period was 3-16-08, it's now 4-21-08 and I still haven't had my period, they usually last only 4 days,so I should be done with it by now.A week or so after my last period I woke up with intense nausea all day long, couldnt eat or drink anything but water,next day I was fine.I've stayed fatigued since then.I've been really bloated feeling,can't even fit my stomach in my jeans anymore.I've been having a lot of white discharge(no signs of infection),really sore , and mid and lower back pain for about a week and a half to where I can't get comfortable no matter how hard I try,also my insides are somewhat tender during ,my husband and I have been having to take it easy.I haven't had any bleeding,but during the time my period was due,the first couple of days the discharge had a very very light brown tint. I took one test on the 17th-pos and double checked on 18th-neg. I'm not sure what to think.

Which MOS would be more exciting and fulfilling?

Consider the MI MOSs as well. I switched from 11B to 98G many, many years ago. The 98G (voice interceptor) guarantees language training and there are many places both tactical and strategic for you to be based.

How can I become very confident?

you need to do things that would make you proud of yourself. you could study extra hard to be top in a module in school. save and buy yourself a designer belt or something (if you can). that could make you walk confidently hence you talk confidently. what i mean is you need to take your time to make sure you look good every day so you feel confident. iron your cloths, clean them, clean your shoes, keep your hair tidy. I'm not saying you do not do that, obviously i do not know but that more time and caution to make sure you look good and smell good. because when you look at yourself in the mirror and you feel proud of how you look you would walk and talk confidently. if you a Christian like myself or of another religion, pray about this. God listens.

Do you think I am a racist?

Well, since you admitted it "I was never into that, I became racist after they made me like that." then yes, I would ume you are racist.

Where can i watch these episodes?

Rocket power - Rainy days and sundaes/Zine dreams, Doug - Doug bags a nematoad, As Told By Ginger - Gym cl confedencial, Hey Arnold - full moon/student teacher

Starving yourself makes you "not lose weight", then how are anorexic people so skinny?

Thats actually a really good question. I think the problem here is that the answer you read is really confusing. Here is the...pardon the pun..skinny on starvation. The primary source of energy your body needs to run on is protein. It does use other things like carbohydrates and sugars but the main one is protien. When you starve yourself your body thinks it isn't going to get any more protein so starts looking to it's self for a different source. Any idea where the largest of concentration of protein is in the human body? Your muscles! When a body shifts into starvation mode it literally starts eating it's own muscle. The fat in your body provides little to know nutritional value (hence the reason we have to burn it off with exercise) so what you end up with is a body with very little muscle and a higher body fat content. Needless to say, very unhealthy. Hope this makes it a little clearer for you.

How can I find out how a particular geological feature was formed in an area?

specifically, el Morro in Acapulco bay, and the boulders that appear on the Deccan plateau near Hyderabad, India.

Monday, November 7, 2011

When I diabetic has to cut medicine, what is a good replacement regimen?

I am 20 y/o and on my parents insurance right now. I have type 2 diabetes. I am getting married here soon with my pregnant g/f, my job doesn't offer good enough health care. Right now I am taking 1,000mg of Metformin in the morning and again in the evening. I know I won't be able to afford $40 extra /month, what would a good regimen be for a sufficient replacement? Any advice is appreciated, ty

Do progressives love it when Obama disenfranchises them?

I actually went to Austria a couple weeks ago, my dad had to go to hospital while there and they have a pretty "socialized health care" system.

Wheres the fuse box for 1988 dodge ram d100 located?

Straight above drivers feet. There is a small tab that releases it so it can be turned down to look at. Look under steering column at bottom of dash.

Do hawks eat carrion?

carces of animals? i had an iguana carc in my backyard that disappeared and i am not sure whether i should begin to beat my dog. he should know better. so, do they?

How would you safely put your horse to pasture for the summer without fear of founder?

i had her on pasture last summer. This winter she was on 1/2 alph alpha and 1/2 gr bales. So when the snow melts.. how do I safely get her back on pasture? Apparently she foundered before I got her... but she was good on pasture last summer when I got her, so I plan to put her on the same field again this year as she did good on it before

Is this part of the IPCC report properly reconciled?

It's also important to keep in mind what a confidence interval really is. A 90% confidence interval means that if the experiment was repeated, there would be a 90% chance of the mean laying between those values. The confidence interval is just a confidence in the test, not in the data received.

Why do you "god believers" relate everything we can't explain today with god?

I see what your saying and partially agree with you. But my view is that, why does science work? Why does there have to be order and structure? Why can't everything be a big heaping of protons and electrons lying around and not forming atoms? Why did the universe "explode" at the right speed so it wasn't so fast that plantets and stars could form; and why it didn't go so slow so that gravity would just pull it all back together? Why was there dinosaurs and ancient plants that died so that we could have oil? Idk, just ramblings from a crazy person.

HELP.....I'm doing the world vision 40 hour famine (found raising)......?

The methods you mention involve only talking with strangers. Why don't u send a letter or email to your friends, relatives, teachers, etc, telling them a little bit about world vision and asking them to sponser you? A stranger can easily say no, but if you talk with people that you know, I think you will get better results. Also, as the previous person suggests, go to church!!! Many church people will sponsor you...... Ask the pastor if they can include a write-up about world vision and and your 40 hour famine in the church newsletter.....along with a request for sponsors. Good luck!!

Is it, the closure of mental hospitals and lack of proper psychiatric community care that puts public at risk?

I think it,s the fact the people in hospitals are only sedated then released in public and come off their medication.

Advice needed to get my marriage strong again?

Hi well I'm in my mid 30s and met my wife in our late teens. I've slowed down a bit and she's really coming into her prime now. I think that's normal. However, lately I get a lot of signals from her that she finds me boring. She points out young guys, tells me how certain ones are her favorite type, and has I think stepped up in the flirting department when out with friends. I'm feeling a bit emasculated these days, kind of an early-middle aged schlub. We've talked but she seems to find the whole thing kind of funny and is surprised when I say anything. She finds me "cute" but not much more than that, for the first time in our years together. For the record, I do more than my share of romance for her including nights out and listening to her, as well as domestic work. Also, the more I try to talk with her, the more she kind of tunes me out until she eventually notices and says, "awww honey, sorry" which makes me feel smaller. I have tried offering to step up certain things in bed that women apparently like, but she just kind of laughs it off. She does like sometimes when I pretend to be a guy from one of her shows or movies. Anyway, I feel I've become the junior partner here after years of being great friends and lovers. She is very kind and loving, just sort of in a way that contrasts with what we used to have. Advice on getting us back on track? Note that I am not looking for anything crazy like a divorce which seems to pop up on here in people's answers, just advice on how to get us back in the swing of things. Thank you.

Dont u feel sorry for Gary Glitter?

no i don't, do not feel sorry for him, nor anyone who commits these vile crimes. What if it was your child that he d, or abused, would you still feel the same, i bet you wouldn't. I hope that he disappears for good. The parents may know whats going on and that's to their eternal shame allowing their little children to be abused this way.

Can you Evaluate Music HONESTLY?

I think that a lot of people have a very difficult time distinguishing fact from opinion. It is those people who are unable to tell the difference between what they like and what is good. Up until recently I didn't like listening to clical music, I thought it was boring, but I definitely respected what those guys did for music. Pentatonic scales, Dorian modes, they basically laid the groundwork for modern music.

Writing about an occupation (based on a movie)?

I think in all honesty you're asking the questions within the incorrect topics, these questions should be in topics to do with english, although you're studying movies, the people who answer these questions know about movies themselves, not how to write essays on them

Should I be concerned?

is the pain constant or just during a presumed "cycle". If the pain is the same as your menstrual cycle pain then I wouldn't worry about it, but if the pain is different and constant then go to the emergency room right away.

Whats wrong with this guy?


Does anybody please know how to get rid of a trojan DNS changer?

its driving me crazy stupid thing wont le tme do anything to my disc drives or update any of my software its killing my computer =[ please help!!!

Another practice piece, What critique do you have this poem?

What lake are you fishing on? Arctic char or brown trout? I'm in for a hearty breakfast. Most ice fishing I've seen is done sitting, unless a spear is involved. I like the shape of your poem, but there are lines that could use a bit of work. Sympathise is a place where I differ in spelling, but that's a dialect variance. S2 L1 is awkward, but then so is thinking at that temperature.

Is it normal to have put on weight when you have stopped eating?

Your body tends to hold on to whatever fat it can get, if it starts to feel deprived. My suggestion: eat food. try to eat healthy. But the most important thing is to exercise. If you remain active, you can eat what you want ;)

How do I fix a rotting floor?

I bought my house about a year and a half ago, it used to be a on a slab, but a previous owner lifted it up and put a crawlspace under it. I noticeda few months later there was a soft spot in one of the bedrooms and I went into the crawlspace to check it out. I was able to pull the subfloor apart with my hand. I had a home inspection and somehow the inspector missed this.(I did not notice any mold, and have inspected it every few months and have seen none). The plywood on top of the subfloor is not that thick, and when you walk on it it bends. I do not plan to stay in this house for more than 4-5 years and would like to avoid spending thousands of dollars to fix it, but I am afraid that the next owner will hire a better home inspector who will catch this and I will have difficulty selling the house. I am open to any and all suggestions. Thanks